Saving has never been easier!

LeKoupon aims to keep deals and coupons in the palm of your hand at all times. From restaurants to beauty salons, home services , and more, find them all readily available on LeKoupon!


Why You Should Download LeKoupon

Find the deals nearest to your location and start saving now!

Buy discounted certificates and save even more, or gift them away to your friends and family!

Save to your Favourites and get the latest deals from your preferred merchants!

LeKoupon is a paperless way of discovering coupons and deals making it environmentally friendly.


5 Reasons why you should buy certificates with the LeKoupon App

  1. They’re sold at a discount!
  2. They never expire!
  3. They can be gifted to other LeKoupon users!
  4. They can never be lost!
  5. They’re convenient!

Do you own a business?

Develop an active online presence with LeKoupon; communicate with your clientele, and harvest new ones by easily creating promotions that will attract them!


Find deals in every category


The app is free to download and free to use!

LeKoupon aims to keep deals and coupons in the palm of your hand at all times. From restaurants to beauty salons, home services , and more, find them all readily available on LeKoupon!